Eyelid Surgery

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Eyelid Surgery in Turkey

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is performed to remove the excess skin over the eyelids. With aging eyelids start to lose their flexibility and the muscle supports weaken.

Eyelid surgery restores the appearance of your eyes and makes your gaze well-shaped in a firm position.

At Arpanu Aesthetics you can get your eyelid surgery in Turkey to regain your elegant look.

Eyelid surgery types; learn which one is the best for you

There are many types of eyelid procedures performed to restore the shape of one’s eyes.

  • Cosmetic: Cosmetic eyelid surgery is a purely aesthetical improvement.
  • Functional:  Functional eyelid surgery is performed for better vision.
  • Upper eyelid: When the upper eyelid is saggy, only the upper part of the eyelid is operated.
  • Lower eyelid: When the lower part of the eyelids are saggy, lower eyelid surgery is performed.
  • Ptosis repair: Ptosis or eyelid drop can be treated with an eyelid surgery.
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Eyelid Surgery in Turkey with Arpanu Aesthetics

We, as Arpanu Aesthetics, offer you the best of our services at a lower price within packages for your eyelid surgery in Turkey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Gain advanced knowledge about what you need to do after the surgery, and how long the recovery lasts for eyelid surgery.

Is eyelid surgery painful?

Surgery is pain-free. However, you will have swellings and bruising to some extent after the surgery. Our doctors will give you medications and recovery guidelines to follow for a smooth healing period.

Will I be awake during eyelid surgery?

Not necessarily you need to be awake. If the upper eyelids are targeted, then general anesthesia is applied, while for the lower eyelid surgery, local anesthesia with sedation could be used.

How long does it take to recover from eyelid surgery?

For full recovery, you need at least a week after the surgery. Especially when both up and down eyelids are operated, you need to wait for around 10 days to fully recover.