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Frequently Asked Questions

We answer all your questions about your journey, surgery, or anything you might ask before coming to Turkey.

What are the medical treatments offered?

Unlike some other clinics that offer a very limited range of treatments, we provide extensive aesthetic procedures at the finest hospitals and private clinics, all managed by highly skilled doctors and proficient medical staff.

Popular Treatments:

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Gynecomastia Surgery

What are the general services covered within packages?

We cover all the medical equipments, medications (not over the counter ones), necessary ground transportation, accommodation fees at high quality hotels, translation fees, and all the surgical crew payments. These are all paid within our package deals leaving no suspicion for the basic service chargement.

If you like to have sightseeing tours and use our transportation services, these will be charged extra. Besides, flight tickets are not included in the package deals.

How will I communicate with my doctor?

You don’t need to have advanced Turkish or English skills or worry about finding an interpreter experienced in the medical field to communicate with the medical staff during your procedure. A Patient Assistant who speaks your native language will be assigned to accompany and assist you every step of the way.

Would there be unforeseen expenses when I travel abroad for treatment?

The treatment quotes provided to you are estimated costs, so there might be minimal changes. However, if an unexpected illness or condition not listed in your medical history arises and requires urgent intervention to avoid disrupting your treatment, the medical fee may differ. To prevent such situations, we kindly ask you to complete your medical history accurately.

Will I have follow-up care?

We believe that the recovery phase is as crucial as the earlier stages, so we also offer follow-up care after you return home. We promise to be available during the post-operative phase to address your concerns or questions and provide necessary feedback promptly.